When investing in silver bars it is commonplace for you to see 1 oz, 10 oz, and even 100 oz bars being sold by a variety of different dealers. While these types of bars are commonly held and traded, there are a lot of other silver bars whose sizes are not as commonly found.
For the best prices on miscellaneous weighted silver bars, be sure to visit JMBullion.com, who is the lowest priced online supplier of random weighted silver products.
These silver bullion products may seem a bit strange at first, but the reality is that regardless of size a silver bar is a silver bar. Some investors will see a 1/2 oz or 2 oz silver bar and immediately disregard it and take their purchasing power elsewhere, but in reality, silver is silver so off-size bars should not necessarily be discarded simply because of their weight. We of course recommend ensuring proper liquidity should you have to sell, but typically this isn’t a problem.
Types of Bars
Many of the silver bars you will find that do not match the ones you would typically expect to see are going to be relatively small bars. With that being said, there are also plenty of large bars that do not exactly fit most people’s expectations. Some of examples of unique and strange silver bars that youmay come across are as follows:
- 50 ounce CMI Silver Bar
- 25 ounce Hauser & Miller Co. Silver Bar
- 1/2 ounce PAMP Suisse Silver Bar
- 3 ounce Omega Silver Bar

A 50 oz Silver Bar, Produced by Sunshine Minting
These bars are a bit different than other bars because they are not able to be as widely found and distributed as 1 ounce and 10 ounce bars. In most cases you can find these sizes of silver bars for about the same price over spot value as you would on typical bars.
Another interesting piece of information regarding off the beaten path silver bar sizes is that when you purchase them you will be introduced to a whole new world of silver bar producers.
Instead of seeing big precious metals producers such as Engelhard and Johnson Matthey, you will instead find out that many of these silver bars are created by companies with names like M&B Mining, Academy Silver, and Northstar Mint just to name a few.
When buying any off-brand or off-size silver bars, make sure the bar is stamped with a weight and purity, as well as some sort of mint-mark. Even if it is pure silver, you may have trouble unloading a generic bar that isn’t stamped with weight, purity, and mint. As long as the bar has purity, weight, and a mint stamped on it, you should at least be able to sell it for melt value (the spot price of silver multiplied by the bar’s weight in troy ounces).
At any respectable precious metals dealer, such as JM Bullion, a little bit of browsing will show you that finding obscurely sized bars is not as difficult as it sounds and can open you up to a world of precious metals investment that you may have never been familiar with before.